When your pay group calendar records span multiple pages (see Navigate Between Pages), you can perform mass actions for each record in the pay group, even those that Dayforce doesn’t show on the current page. These actions include locking, unlocking, committing, approving, and calculating pay for each record in the pay group.
Before You Begin: This functionality is available only when you load a pay group with records that span multiple pages. The Pay Admin Checklist Records per page client property controls this behavior. This client property is in System Admin > Client Properties in the Properties tab, in the Time and Attendance section. See “System Admin > Client Properties” in the Dayforce Implementation Guide.
Mass Edit Pay Periods
To mass- lock, unlock, approve, or commit pay group calendar records:
- Go to Pay Admin Checklist and load a pay group with records that span multiple pages.
- Click Select > Select All. Dayforce shows a message above the records list containing two options and which indicates the number of records available on the loaded page. The message also indicates the total number of records in the pay group:
- Note: This message also appears if you click Select > Select Inverse when there are no selections in the list.
- Click Select all ## Organizations in the Pay Group.
- In the Mass Action dialog box that opens, select the checkboxes depending on the actions that you want to perform. Note that you can’t select both the Lock and Unlock checkboxes. Also, when you select Approve or Commit, Dayforce automatically selects the Lock checkbox.
- Click Save.
Calculate Pay for Multiple Pay Group Calendar Records
To calculate pay for your records, including records on pages that aren’t loaded:
- Go to Pay Admin Checklist and load a pay group with records that span multiple pages.
- Click Select > Select All. Dayforce shows a message above the records list containing two options and which indicates the number of records available on the loaded page. The message also indicates the total number of records in the pay group.
- Note: This message also appears if you click Select > Select Inverse when there are no selections in the list.
- Click Calculate Pay for all ## organizations in the Pay Group.
- Dayforce shows a message indicating that a pay summary recalc was initiated and that you’ll be notified in Message Center when it’s complete.