Before You Begin: The following topic only applies to offer letters that require an e-signature. See Configure E-Signatures for Letter Management Recruitment Offers.
After a candidate accepts an offer and submits their e-signature, you can view the submitted document from the candidate's Applied Jobs list in the following areas:
- The Applied Jobs tab in the candidate's profile
- The expanded row for the candidate in candidate talent pools, Recruiting > Candidate Management, and the Candidates tab of Recruiting > Job Requisitions
- The search results for the candidate in Recruiting > Talent Community
In the Applied Jobs list, click the Offer Letter link (next to the Offer Accepted status) to open a preview of the offer letter, and then click the View Signed Document button. A dialog box opens in which the signed documents are displayed.
If supplemental documents were included in the e-signature process, those documents are also automatically added in the Additional Documents tab of the candidate's profile and in the Documents column of the Candidates tab in Recruiting > Job Requisitions.
After hiring the candidate, you can view signed documents in the Employment > Letters screen of People by clicking the View Signed Document link in the header details of the letter.
If a candidate clicked Accept for an offer but declined to submit an e-signature for it, the status of their offer in Dayforce is displayed as Offer Rejected - E-Signature. An offer with this status is considered complete and won’t progress any further:
In some cases, candidates might experience an error when trying to submit their e-signature. In this case, candidates are advised to contact the recruiter for more information, and their status is displayed as Offer Unsuccessful - Electronic Signature Failure.
If you want to give the candidate another chance to submit their e-signature, you can rescind the offer with the rejected or unsuccessful status and send a new offer in its place. The candidate will have to use the new link to accept the offer.