Update Offer Status

Letter Management Guide

Update Offer Status

Before You Begin: You can only update offer status once the offer is sent to the candidate. If the offer is still in the workflow process, you cannot update its status.

  1. Go to Recruiting > Job Requisitions and select the requisition.
  2. Click the Candidates tab and select the candidate that you want to update the status for.
  3. Click the Applied Jobs tab and click the Change Status link displayed in the Status column for the job application.
  4. In the dialog box that is displayed, select one of the following options in the Status drop-down list:
    • Offer Accepted
    • Offer Rejected - Candidate
    • Offer Rescinded
  5. When you selected Offer Rejected - Candidate or Offer Rescinded, the Rejection Reason drop-down list is displayed.
  6. If applicable, select an option from the Rejection Reason drop-down list.
  7. Note: The list of available rejection reasons is defined in Recruiting Setup > Decline and Offer Rejection Reason by creating a record with the Recruiter - Offer Rejection Reason checkbox selected.
  8. Add a note to the candidate profile and select an option from the Note Permission drop-down list. Otherwise, click Save to update the status.
  9. The options of the Note Permission drop-down list are described as follows:
    • Visible Only To Me: Only you can see the note.
    • Assigned Recruiter: Only you and the recruiter of the job requisition can see the note.
    • Assigned Hiring Manager: Only you and the hiring manager of the job requisition can see the note.
    • Assigned Recruiter and Assigned Hiring Manager: Only you and the recruiter and hiring manager of the job requisition can see the note.
    • Public: All users that have access to the candidate profile can see the note.
  10. Note: Depending on the rejection reason you select, Dayforce might display a red asterisk next to the Note field, in which case adding a note is mandatory.
  11. If you add a note, it’s added to the Add/View Notes dialog box.
  12. Click Save.
  13. You're returned to the candidate profile, where the candidate's status on the offer is updated.