Before You Begin: You can only update offer status once the offer is sent to the candidate. If the offer is still in the workflow process, you cannot update its status.
- Go to Recruiting > Job Requisitions and select the requisition.
- Click the Candidates tab and select the candidate that you want to update the status for.
- Click the Applied Jobs tab and click the Change Status link displayed in the Status column for the job application.
- In the dialog box that is displayed, select one of the following options in the Status drop-down list:
- Offer Accepted
- Offer Rejected - Candidate
- Offer Rescinded
- When you selected Offer Rejected - Candidate or Offer Rescinded, the Rejection Reason drop-down list is displayed.
- If applicable, select an option from the Rejection Reason drop-down list.
- Note: The list of available rejection reasons is defined in Recruiting Setup > Decline and Offer Rejection Reason by creating a record with the Recruiter - Offer Rejection Reason checkbox selected.
- Add a note to the candidate profile and select an option from the Note Permission drop-down list. Otherwise, click Save to update the status.
- The options of the Note Permission drop-down list are described as follows:
- Visible Only To Me: Only you can see the note.
- Assigned Recruiter: Only you and the recruiter of the job requisition can see the note.
- Assigned Hiring Manager: Only you and the hiring manager of the job requisition can see the note.
- Assigned Recruiter and Assigned Hiring Manager: Only you and the recruiter and hiring manager of the job requisition can see the note.
- Public: All users that have access to the candidate profile can see the note.
- Note: Depending on the rejection reason you select, Dayforce might display a red asterisk next to the Note field, in which case adding a note is mandatory.
- If you add a note, it’s added to the Add/View Notes dialog box.
- Click Save.
- You're returned to the candidate profile, where the candidate's status on the offer is updated.