The Letters Sub-Tab

Letter Management Guide

The Letters Sub-Tab

In Profile, in Personal > Letters, you can search for, view, and download letters that have been sent to you:

Letters sub-tab.

The list shows letters that you haven't acted on, and letters that were accepted, declined, or expired. The acknowledgment checkbox and Accept and Reject buttons aren't displayed in the letter, and the letter response can't be changed in this tab. You can accept or reject a specific letter from the link in the letter notification that is sent to your email.

Note the following about the letter that you select:

  • The letter's status is displayed at the top.
  • If you provided an e-signature for the letter, the View Signed Document link is displayed in the header details of the letter:
  • Link for viewing signed document.
  • Clicking this link opens a dialog box containing the signed letter that you can print or download.
  • To download files included in the letter, click the attachment links at the bottom of the letter.
  • To generate a PDF version of the letter for your records, click the download icon ( ) at the top right of the letter.