If you're sending an email to a single candidate, the Review screen of the Send Email wizard displays the Save Draft and Delete Draft buttons.
Clicking Save Draft allows you to close the Send Email wizard without losing any of your changes. The next time you open the wizard within the same context (that is, from within the same job requisition or the candidate's profile), the saved draft is loaded by default. Saving the draft within a specific context allows you to save a separate draft for each job requisition that the candidate is assigned to.
For example, if you open the Send Email wizard for the "Assistant Manager" job requisition and then click Save Draft, that draft is saved for the "Assistant Manager" job requisition only. If you open the Send Email wizard for the "Head Cashier" job requisition, the draft that you saved for "Assistant Manager" will not be loaded.
If you need to delete a saved draft at any point, click Delete Draft in the Send Email wizard.