Offer Letter Settings

Letter Management Guide

Offer Letter Settings

You might need to provide additional details when sending individual or mass offer letters.

Sender and Recipient Details

Sender and recipient details settings
Setting Description
To The candidate's name. Letters are sent to the email address in the Personal Information section of the candidate's profile in Recruiting. Internal candidates receive the letter in their email and Dayforce Message Center.
From Either the hiring manager or recruiter assigned to the requisition.
CC The hiring manager or recruiter of the job requisition, based on who you selected in the From drop-down list.
Subject The subject line of the letter email message that is sent to the candidate. The subject line is defined in the template that you select. The subject can’t be longer than 100 characters.
Company Logo Choose from the logos that are included in the letter's template.

Workflow Information

Workflow information settings

Setting Description

The workflow that the letter enters when you submit it. The workflows available for your role are defined in Workflow Administration > Role Privileges.

Expiration in Days

The number of days that a letter is valid after being sent. This field gives you the flexibility to determine the expiration date for each letter you create.

  • The letter can be valid from one day to 730 days (two years).
  • The countdown for expiry begins on the day that the system sends the letter to the candidate. This day can be after the day that you submit the letter if the workflow takes more than a day to approve.
  • As an example of letter expiration, if you enter seven days, and the offer is sent any time on Monday, June 6, the offer expires at 12:00 AM on Monday, June 13.

The expiration date is automatically communicated to the candidate in the letter.

Workflow Comments Include comments for workflow approvers. Candidates don't see these comments in their offer letters.

Required Information

Token information is used to provide specific content to the offer letters. This information varies depending on the template you chose.

The system displays only those fields where the corresponding token is editable. A template can also include tokens that aren't editable, like those related to candidate, recruiter, or hiring manager details, or job posting and requisition title. However, these tokens don't have a corresponding field in the Required Information section and are instead automatically populated in the letter.

You can edit two types of editable tokens in the Required Information section:

  • Editable tokens based on existing data: These tokens already have a value defined in the job requisition details or other areas. The corresponding field shows this value, but you can edit it if needed. When you save a draft or send the letter, your edits are carried over to the employee's details upon hiring.
  • For example, say that the Weekly Hours field in the Required Information section defaults to 20 hours based on the details of the job requisition. You override this field to 28 hours and send the letter. When you open the Candidate Hire form, the Weekly Hours field is populated with 28 hours instead of 20.
  • Editable tokens not from the requisition details: These tokens don't have a defined value. When you save a draft or send the letter, your edits for some of these tokens are carried over to the employee's details upon hiring.
  • For example, when you fill out the Offer Base field in the Required Information section and send the letter, the Base Salary or Base Rate fields in the Candidate Hire form show the amount you used.

The following table shows which tokens must be completed. The right column indicates whether the value is carried over to the employee’s details if they are hired.

Required information fields
Field Description Carried Over?
Average Daily Hours

The value in the Average Daily Hours field of the Details tab for the job requisition that the letter is initiated from. You can edit this value if needed. Edits are carried over to the employee's details upon hiring.

Days Per Week The number of days per week that the normal hours per week are worked over. No
Employment Indicator

The value in the Employment Indicator list of the Details tab for the job requisition that the letter is initiated from. You can edit this value if needed.

Field Based Job

This list defaults to the No option. You can also select the Yes - In Region or Yes - National options.


Base Rate Policy


The base rate policy and the base rate level of the employee. These settings are used to calculate the offer base.

They are available only when the Use Base Rate Policy checkbox is selected for the corresponding job requisition.

See Base Rate Policies in Offer Letters.

Offer Base

The annual salary that is offered to the candidate. This value is carried over to the Base Rate and Annual Salary fields in the Candidate Hire and Internal Candidate Hire forms.

If there is no pay group or the salary you specify is outside the pay grade of the job, an error appears.

If you are using a base rate policy and decide to manually overwrite this value, the base rate policy is no longer applicable for the candidate.

Superannuation Rate %

(For Australian users) The superannuation rate, a percentage. For more information, see Overview of Superannuation in the Payroll Administrator Guide.

By default, this field contains the value of the Superannuation default contribution rate (%) payroll client property.

Offer End Date The end date for a fixed term offer. No
Offer Start Date

The target start date for the candidate should they accept the offer. This field is blank by default. The value entered is carried over to the Hire Date field of the Candidate Hire and Internal Candidate Hire forms.

If you are using a base rate policy and leave this field blank, the current date is used to determine which levels are displayed.

Pay Class

The option selected in the Pay Class list (for example full-time or part-time) of the Details tab for the job requisition that the letter is initiated from.

Position Term

The option selected in the Position Term list (for example regular or temporary) of the Details tab for the job requisition that the letter is initiated from. You can edit this value.


Primary Job Location

The public location associated with the location that the candidate is being hired for. You can search for the location by its public name or city.

The list only includes locations that have the following fields defined in the Address tab of the location slide-out panel in the Organization tab of Org Setup > Organization:

  • Public Name
  • Country Code
  • County (State/Province)
  • City
Weekly Hours

The option in the Weekly Hours list (for example, regular or temporary) of the Details tab for the job requisition that the letter is initiated from. You can edit this value.
