Configure the Letter Attachments Document Type

Letter Management Guide

Configure the Letter Attachments Document Type

In Documents > Admin > Document Types, you need to configure the system Letter Attachments document type. This document type controls the ability for users to do the following in Letter Management:

  • Upload and manage documents in the Attachments tab of Letter Management > Template Designer.
  • Attach documents to letter templates in the Templates tab of Letter Management > Template.

Employees must also have access to this document type to download documents that are attached to the letter.

By default, the Candidate role is selected for this document type. Currently, in order for employees to download documents from the letter, the Candidate role must have least Read access to the Letter Attachments document type. Therefore, you must not remove the Candidate role from the list at any time.

Note: Document types are used in Dayforce to define key information about documents, such as which area of the system the document is used, which file formats are supported, and who can access the document. For more information on configuring document types, see "Configuring Document Management" in the Document Management Guide.

Configuring these document types involves the following: