Attachments in Templates

Letter Management Guide

Attachments in Templates

In the Templates tab of Letter Management > Template Designer, you can select one or more files from the Attachments drop-down list to include in a template.

The documents that are attached to the letter are meant for viewing and downloading only. When users respond to the letter as indicated or instructed, they cannot update and send documents with the letter response. They can attach documents to a separate email message and send them to the manager or administrator, but this is separate from the functionality offered by Dayforce.

For a file to be available to select, it must first be uploaded in one of the following areas:

  • The Attachments tab of Letter Management > Branding Management. These files have the Letter Attachments document type.
  • Recruiting Setup > Offer Documents. These files have the Candidate Offer document type.

For a file to be displayed on the list, your role must have access to its document type, which is assigned in Documents > Admin > Document Types.

Additional information about adding files to a template:

  • You can type all or part of a file name to filter the list. You can add as many documents as you want to the template, and you can click the X to remove a document you've selected.
  • These files are displayed as downloadable links when the letter is sent in Letter Management > Distribution or Recruiting. The order in which you add documents to the template is how the system lists them in the letter in Letter Management > Distribution.