Schedule Observation Checklists

Learning Guide

Schedule Observation Checklists

You can create one or more schedules for observation checklists from Learning Setup > Observation Checklist. All schedules for a checklist are listed in the Schedules tab in the checklist details. This tab shows schedule details such as the users to be checked, observer, approver, checklist validity (the active period), status, and repetitions. The status indicates the schedule’s completion status, not individual checklist completion. If the checklist is scheduled for a future date, the status is set to “Planned” until it becomes active, and then it changes to “In progress.”

To schedule an observation checklist:

  1. Go to Learning Setup > Observation Checklist.
  2. Open an existing checklist or create a new one, and then click the schedule checklist icon:
  3. Cursor hovering over the Schedule Checkist icon.
  4. Select the users that you want to check and then click Next. You can choose to assign all users in a group, all users associated with a branch, or up to 10 individual users. When you select a branch, its subbranches aren’t automatically selected. If you want to add one or more subbranches, you need to select each subbranch in the list manually.
  5. Specify who will be the observer for the checklist. The observer can be the learners themselves, each learner’s manager, or a custom user in charge of completing checklists.
  6. If you want the checklist to go through an approval process, click the Enable Checklist Approval checkbox and then specify who will be in charge of approving the checklist, either each learner’s manager or a custom user.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Specify when the checklist will be available to the specified observer. You can choose always available, available only during a specified time frame, or available based on completion of a specified course. For the time frame option, the end date isn’t a firm deadline; observers can still complete the checklist after the specified date.
  9. Click Confirm. For schedules that depend on course completion, the system delivers the checklist to all learners who completed the course within 24 hours of the checklist becoming active.

If you need to edit or delete a schedule, you can do so by clicking the action menu for the schedule in the Schedules tab of the checklist details.