Observation Checklist

Learning Guide

Observation Checklist

You can add and manage checklists for learners in your organization in Learning Setup > Observation Checklist. Observation checklists can be used to track progress for learning tasks both inside and outside of Dayforce. For example, you can assign a checklist to new hires to track completion of learning activities related to their onboarding.

Role feature access: Learning Setup > Observation Checklist

Observation checklists can help you ensure that employees are doing the following:

  • Adhering to specific requirements and processes.
  • Applying what they’ve learned in assigned training courses to complete their work tasks.
  • Making progress on assigned tasks inside and outside of Dayforce.

For example, if new hires are enrolled in a course that teaches them how to use, maintain, and service a piece of equipment, you could include items such as “Change the batteries” or “Restart the system” in the checklist. Managers can observe the employee completing the items to ensure that they’re doing everything correctly, according to the training.

You can add checklists as training material for specific course or learning plans, or you can automatically assign them based on a schedule or when employees complete a specified learning activity.

The following topics explain how to create and manage checklists in more detail:

Designated users can fill out or approve their assigned checklists in the My Checklists tab of Learning. See Manage Your Observation Checklists.