You can manage the attendance for event sessions from the Attendance tab in the event’s details. This tab shows the list of learners who are enrolled in the event session and you can manually mark learners as present or absent, as needed.
To update the attendance for one or more employees:
- Go to Learning Setup > Courses and Learning Plans.
- In the Courses tab, open the course, and then click the Sessions tab.
- Open the session that you want to update attendance for and then, in the Events & Attendance tab, open the event.
- In the Attendance tab, do one of the following:
- If you want to mark the attendance for one learner, click the actions menu for their row, and then click Mark attendance.
- If you want to mark the attendance for more than one learner, select the checkbox next to each learner’s name, and then click Choose action > Mark Attendance. You can also click Select all or Unselect all to select or clear the checkboxes for all learners in the list.
- In the attendance sheet panel, mark whether the user was present or absent and enter the number of hours attended. Then, click Mark attendance.
When you mark a learner as present, their session completion date is automatically set to the date of the latest event for the session.
If needed, you can print the attendance sheet from the action menu in the course Sessions tab.