LMS Users Setup Job

Learning Guide

LMS Users Setup Job

The LMS Users Setup Job links employees in Dayforce to their LMS user accounts. You can use it to create new user accounts and update existing accounts in the Learning Management module.

Before You Begin: During the initial data setup for LMS, the LMS Org Setup job should be executed prior to the LMS Users Setup Job. This ensures that when the user is created in LMS, they are also assigned to their respective organization unit. See LMS Org Setup Job.

The job sends employee information to LMS for account creation, including:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Dayforce login
  • Business mail
  • Culture code
  • Primary org unit
  • Direct Manager

Important: Before running the LMS Users Setup Job, ensure all user roles are updated with the appropriate Learning features so that any accounts created in LMS are assigned the corresponding roles in LMS.

Note: It's best practice to run this job daily to keep data synchronized.

The job has the following settings:


This setting allows you to run the job for specific users. This is useful in cases where you only need to create or update a small number of user accounts, or to update existing users that haven't been updated in Dayforce. To specify which users to run the job for, select their names in the drop-down list.

Important: If you use the Select All button to include all users in the scheduled job, new users added between job runs won't be included when the job runs. However, if you leave the User(s) field blank, when you select one of the other settings, the scheduled job includes all existing users and any users added to Dayforce since the job last ran.

Create All Missing LMS Accounts

Select this checkbox to specify that the job should create accounts for all users who don't currently have one.

Update All Existing LMS Accounts

Select this checkbox to specify that the job should update accounts for all existing users, regardless of whether there have been any changes to the data.

Update Existing LMS Accounts (Changes only)

Select this checkbox to specify that the job should update changed employee data for existing users when it updates accounts. If a user's account has changed since the last time you ran the job, selecting this option will make the necessary updates to their account.

Selecting different combinations of settings will have different results.

Setting combinations and results
User(s) Create All Missing LMS Accounts Update All LMS Accounts Update Existing LMS Accounts (Changes Only) Result
Selected Not selected Not selected Not selected The selected user accounts are synchronized between Dayforce and LMS.
Not selected Selected Not selected Not selected All user accounts in Dayforce that aren't recorded in LMS are created in LMS.
Not selected Not selected Selected Not selected All user accounts in LMS are updated with the current data from Dayforce.
Not selected Not selected Not selected Selected Existing LMS user accounts are updated with the current data from Dayforce, only if there have been changes to any of the information that is stored in Dayforce.
Selected Selected Not selected Not selected All user accounts that exist in Dayforce but not in LMS are created. In addition, the selected user accounts are updated in LMS.
Selected Not selected Selected Not selected Existing LMS user accounts are updated with current data from Dayforce. In addition, creates missing user accounts in LMS for the selected users, if they don't already exist.
Not selected Selected Selected Not selected Creates all missing user accounts in LMS, and updates all existing user accounts in LMS with the current data from Dayforce.
Selected Selected Selected Not selected Creates all missing user accounts in LMS, and updates all existing user accounts in LMS with the current data from Dayforce.
Not selected Selected Not selected Selected Creates all missing accounts in LMS, and updates any existing user accounts in LMS with the current data from Dayforce if there has been a change to the account information.
Not selected Not selected Selected Selected

The Update Existing LMS Accounts (Changes Only) checkbox takes precedence over the Update All Existing LMS Accounts option.

Existing LMS user accounts are updated with the current data from Dayforce, only if there have been changes to any of the information that is stored in Dayforce.

Not selected Selected Selected Selected

The Update Existing LMS Accounts (Changes Only) checkbox takes precedence over the Update All Existing LMS Accounts option.

Results are similar to those in the row above.

Selected Not selected Not selected Selected

Creates missing accounts in LMS for the selected users, and updates any existing LMS accounts for the selected users.

In addition, LMS user accounts are updated with the current data from Dayforce, only if there have been changes to any of the information that is stored in Dayforce.

Selected Selected Not selected Selected

Creates all missing accounts in LMS, and updates any existing user accounts in LMS with the current data from Dayforce if there has been a change to the account information.

In addition, updates the existing LMS accounts for the selected users.

Selected Not selected Selected Selected

The Update Existing LMS Accounts (Changes Only) checkbox takes precedence over the Update All Existing LMS Accounts option.

Results are similar to those in the row above.

Selected Selected Selected Selected

The Update Existing LMS Accounts (Changes Only) checkbox takes precedence over the Update All Existing LMS Accounts option.

Results are similar to those in the row above.