Group Members Generation

Learning Guide

Group Members Generation

If your groups are configured to use eligibility criteria to define membership, you can run this job to add users to groups based on those criteria.

Note: This job is automatically run when you create groups that use eligibility criteria in HR Admin > Groups. It's best practice to run this job daily to keep data synchronized.

The job has the following settings:


To limit the job to specific groups, select the groups from the drop-down list.


To limit the job to specific users, select the users from the drop-down list. Selecting different combinations of settings has different results.

Setting combinations and results
Group(s) User(s) Result
Selected Not selected Selecting one or more groups and no users will update the member lists based on its eligibility criteria and send the corresponding members to LMS.
Not selected Selected Selecting one or more users and no groups will update the group membership for the selected users and send this information to LMS.
Selected Selected

Selecting both one or more users and groups will update the membership of the selected group for the selected user based on eligibility and send this information to LMS.

Note: If the selected users don’t match any eligibility criteria for the selected groups, no information will be updated.

Not selected Not selected Not selecting any users or groups will update the membership of all groups that make use of eligibility criteria for all users in Dayforce, and send this information to LMS.