Filter Course Enrollments

Learning Guide

Filter Course Enrollments

You can filter an employee's courses so that only the courses that meet certain criteria are displayed.

To filter an employee's courses:

  1. Click the people icon in the toolbar to open the People feature.
  2. In the employee list, click the employee who you want to filter courses for.
  3. Go to Learning.
  4. Click the Courses tab.
  5. Click Filter.
  6. In the filter panel, click Add Filter, select the filters you want to use, and then click Update. The panel displays the filters you selected.
  7. Enter the values you want to filter on, depending on which filters you added:
    • Completion Date: Specify the completion date range for the course.
    • Cost: Enter the total cost of the course.
    • Credit: Enter the number of credits for the course.
    • Name: Select the name of the course.
    • Pass/Fail: Select Pass or Fail to find courses that the employee passed or failed.
    • Score: Enter the score for the course.
    • Start Date: Specify the start date range for the course.
    • Status: Select the course status.
    • Type: Select the type of course.  
  8. Click Apply Filter.