Enroll in Courses

Learning Guide

Enroll in Courses

You can access the courses and learning plans that have been added to your course catalog in Learning > Courses Catalog. This is where you complete any self-directed learning. You can decide which courses you might like to take by registering yourself and completing the course on your own.

To enroll in a course:

  1. Go to Learning > Courses Catalog.
  2. Scroll through the courses until you find one that you want to enroll in. Courses you aren’t already enrolled in say Enroll, as shown in the following screenshot:
  3. Course thumbnail showing the Enroll option.
  4. Click the course.
  5. (Optional) Review the information in the About This Course and Content tabs.
  6. Click Enroll.
  7. A confirmation dialog box opens, letting you know that you have successfully enrolled in the course.
  8. Click Start Learning Now to begin the course immediately, otherwise click Close.
  9. Note: The application also adds the course to Learning > My Courses and Learning Plans with your assigned courses.