To enroll employees in a course, go to Learning Setup > Courses and Learning Plans > Courses and select the course you want to enroll employees into. To go directly to the Enrollments tab, click the enroll icon ().
Click the manage enrollments icon () at the top right of the screen and select how you want to enroll learners in the course. The following sections describe each of the available options in more detail:
Manage Enrollments Using a CSV File
When using a CSV file to manage enrollment, it's important to use the correct formatting. You can download a sample file with the correct formatting by clicking Download the sample CSV in the Manage Enrollments > Manage Enrollments via CSV slide-out panel.
Note the following for CSV files:
- The maximum file size is 3 MB.
- Dates are formatted as YYYY-MM-DD in the sample CSV file but might be shown differently depending on the program you're using to view the file.
- Fields and columns must be separated by a single character delimiter, generally a comma, or semicolon.
- Each row must be terminated by a new line.
- All rows must have the same number of columns in the same order.
- The first row can be a header that contains the column names.
- Data in each field is interpreted as a sequence of characters or plain text.
- Any field can be quoted using double-quote characters. A field should be quoted when it contains one or more special characters.
- Leading and trailing spaces are considered part of the data in a field.
- Certain spreadsheet tools change the format of data if it's not imported correctly.
- The username column in the sample CSV refers to each user's Dayforce Learning user name.
To manage enrollments using a CSV file:
- Go to Learning Setup > Courses and Learning Plans.
- In the Courses tab, click the course name. You can search available courses using the search option, or page through the results using the arrow buttons.
- Click the manage enrollments icon, and then select Manage Enrollments via CSV.
- Specify whether you're enrolling users or unenrolling users, and then upload your CSV file.
- (Optional) Expand the Advanced Settings section and do the following:
- Select the divider that delineates the values in your CSV file.
- Toggle the Consider first row as header option if your CSV file includes a header row.
- Select the file charset. UTF-8 is recommended.
- Click Confirm.
Import Users from Another Course
To import enrolled users from another course:
- Go to Learning Setup > Courses and Learning Plans.
- In the Courses tab, click the course name. You can search available courses using the search option, or page through the results using the arrow buttons.
- Click the manage enrollments icon, and then select Import Enrolled Users from Course.
- Select a course to import users from, and then click Next.
- Select the user levels that you want to import:
- All levels: Users from all levels are imported.
- Select User Levels: Select which user levels are imported.
- Select the enrollment statuses that will be imported:
- All statuses: Users from all statuses are imported.
- Select Enrollment Statuses: Select which statuses are imported.
- (Optional) Select the Enable Deadline checkbox, and then use the date fields to define the enrollment period for the import.
- Click Next. Dayforce shows the import details for confirmation.
- Click Submit.
Select Which Users to Enroll
To enroll individual users:
- Go to Learning Setup > Courses and Learning Plans.
- In the Courses tab, click the course name. You can search available courses using the search option, or page through the results using the arrow buttons.
- Click the manage enrollments icon, and then select Enroll Users.
- Select the checkbox for each user that you want to enroll, and then click Next. To select entire groups or branches, use the Branches or Groups tabs. To enroll users assigned to descendent branches, select the Descendants checkbox in the Branches tab. When the checkbox is cleared, only users belonging to the root branch will be enrolled.
- Select whether you'd like to enroll users in the course or in a specific session, and then click Next. If you select the session option, select the session from the list before clicking Next.
- Select the level that users have in the course.
- (Optional) Select the Enable Deadline checkbox, and then use the date fields to define the enrollment period for the import.
- Click Confirm.