Edit Learning Plan Enrollments

Learning Guide

Edit Learning Plan Enrollments

You can edit some details for external courses in external learning plan enrollments in the Learning Plans tab in the Learning screen of the People feature.

To edit a learning plan enrollment:

  1. Click the people icon in the toolbar to open the People feature.
  2. In the employee list, click the employee.
  3. Go to Learning.
  4. In the Learning Plans tab, expand the external enrollment.
  5. Click the course row to make changes directly in the fields.
    • If the employee has completed the course, enter a date in the Completion Date field.
    • If the employee earned credits for the course, record them in the Credit field.
    • To indicate whether the employee passed or failed, select an option in the Pass/Fail drop-down list.
    • Select a status from the Status drop-down list.
    • If the employee received a grade for the course, record it in the Score field.
    • If there is a cost associated with the course, enter it in the Cost field.
    • To record additional information, enter it in the Comment field.
  6. Click Save.