You can edit some details for external courses in external learning plan enrollments in the Learning Plans tab in the Learning screen of the People feature.
To edit a learning plan enrollment:
- Click the people icon in the toolbar to open the People feature.
- In the employee list, click the employee.
- Go to Learning.
- In the Learning Plans tab, expand the external enrollment.
- Click the course row to make changes directly in the fields.
- If the employee has completed the course, enter a date in the Completion Date field.
- If the employee earned credits for the course, record them in the Credit field.
- To indicate whether the employee passed or failed, select an option in the Pass/Fail drop-down list.
- Select a status from the Status drop-down list.
- If the employee received a grade for the course, record it in the Score field.
- If there is a cost associated with the course, enter it in the Cost field.
- To record additional information, enter it in the Comment field.
- Click Save.