Create and Customize Certificate Templates

Learning Guide

Create and Customize Certificate Templates

To create a certificate template:

  1. Go to Learning Setup > Certificate Templates.
  2. Click New Certificate.
  3. Enter a name for the template.
  4. (Optional) Enter a code and description.
  5. Click Confirm.

Once you've created your template, you need to customize it by adding the necessary images and text.

Note: There is a sample certificate included in Dayforce. As a best practice, you should keep it in the folder. To use the sample as a template. copy and paste the HTML in the source code into your new template.

To customize a certificate template:

  1. Go to Learning Setup > Certificate Templates.
  2. In the row for the template you want to customize, click the certificate template icon ( ).
  3. Do any of the following:
    • Upload a background image. To add a background image, click Upload File and select the image you want to use.
    • Important: If you are using a background image, we recommend doing this before entering text or tags.
    • Note: The background image size can't exceed 2560x1810px and 10MB. Supported formats: JPG, JPEG, GIF, and PNG.
    • To change the text of the template, enter the text in the field provided.
    • To add customized content such as user or course names, use the codes listed in the Available Tags for Building Your Certificate Template section.
    • To change the orientation, select an option (portrait or landscape).
  4. Click Confirm.

Certificate Specifications and Recommendations

Fonts supported in HTML tags
HTML Font Tag Font Name
courier Courier
courierB Courier Bold
courierBI Courier Bold Italic
courierI Courier Italic
helvetica Helvetica
helveticaB Helvetica Bold
helveticaBI Helvetica Bold Italic
helveticaI Helvetica Italic
symbol Symbol
times Times New Roman
timesB Times New Roman Bold
timesBI Times New Roman Bold Italic
timesI Times New Roman Italic
zapfdingbats Zapf Dingbats
Minimum suggested certificate size
Orientation Minimum Size
Portrait 905x1280px, 72 DPI
Landscape 1280x905px, 72 DPI
Optimal suggested certificate size
Orientation Optimal Size
Portrait 1810x2560px, 150 DPI
Landscape 2560x1810px, 150 DPI