To create a certificate template:
- Go to Learning Setup > Certificate Templates.
- Click New Certificate.
- Enter a name for the template.
- (Optional) Enter a code and description.
- Click Confirm.
Once you've created your template, you need to customize it by adding the necessary images and text.
Note: There is a sample certificate included in Dayforce. As a best practice, you should keep it in the folder. To use the sample as a template. copy and paste the HTML in the source code into your new template.
To customize a certificate template:
- Go to Learning Setup > Certificate Templates.
- In the row for the template you want to customize, click the certificate template icon ().
- Do any of the following:
- Upload a background image. To add a background image, click Upload File and select the image you want to use.
- Important: If you are using a background image, we recommend doing this before entering text or tags.
- Note: The background image size can't exceed 2560x1810px and 10MB. Supported formats: JPG, JPEG, GIF, and PNG.
- To change the text of the template, enter the text in the field provided.
- To add customized content such as user or course names, use the codes listed in the Available Tags for Building Your Certificate Template section.
- To change the orientation, select an option (portrait or landscape).
- Click Confirm.
Certificate Specifications and Recommendations
HTML Font Tag | Font Name |
Courier |
Courier Bold |
Courier Bold Italic |
Courier Italic |
Helvetica |
Helvetica Bold |
Helvetica Bold Italic |
Helvetica Italic |
Symbol |
Times New Roman |
Times New Roman Bold |
Times New Roman Bold Italic |
Times New Roman Italic |
Zapf Dingbats |
Orientation | Minimum Size |
Portrait | 905x1280px, 72 DPI |
Landscape | 1280x905px, 72 DPI |
Orientation | Optimal Size |
Portrait | 1810x2560px, 150 DPI |
Landscape | 2560x1810px, 150 DPI |