Create Learning Plans

Learning Guide

Create Learning Plans

To create an internal learning plan:

  1. Go to Learning Setup > Courses and Learning Plans.
  2. Click the Learning Plans tab.
  3. Click New Learning Plan.
  4. In the Details tab:
    1. Enter a name for the learning plan.
    2. Select a thumbnail or click Upload Your Own Thumbnail to use a custom one.
    3. Enter a description for the learning plan.
    4. Enter a code for the learning plan.
  5. In the Settings tab:
    1. To display the learning plan in the course catalog so that users can self-enroll in it, select the Show this learning plan in the course catalog checkbox.
    2. To allow catch-up courses for this learning plan, select the Enable catch-up courses for this learning plan checkbox.
    3. To limit users to accessing the learning plan within a certain number of days after the first time they access it, enter a number in the Days of Validity field.
    4. To display the learning plan in channels, enter the channel names in the Channels field.
    5. To issue a certificate upon completion of the learning plan, select a template in the Certificate drop-down list.
    6. To award credits for completing the learning plan, enter the number of credits to award in the Credits (CEUs) field.
  6. Click Confirm.