Create Enrollment Additional Fields

Learning Guide

Create Enrollment Additional Fields

To create enrollment additional fields:

  1. Go to Learning Setup > Courses and Learning Plans > Courses > Enrollment Additional Fields.
  2. Select the type of enrollment additional field you want to create from the drop-down then click Create.
  3. In the dialog box, select the language of the field name, then enter the field name in the corresponding text box.
  4. Select whether the enrollment field is applied to all courses, or only for a specific category or courses. To apply the field to a category of courses, select the category from the drop-down.
  5. Select whether the field is mandatory and visible to the user.
  6. Note: If the field is mandatory, the user or administrator must fill in the enrollment additional field upon enrolling in the course. If you make the field mandatory but not visible to the user, an administrator should fill in the additional field when enrolling users into the courses. However, users can still freely self-enroll into the courses.
  7. Important: IFRAME additional fields are used to open external websites in the course enrollment page, not during the enrollment procedure.
  8. Click Save Changes.