To create a channel:
- Go to Learning Setup > Channels Setup.
- In the Channels tab, click New Channel.
- Enter a channel name and description.
- Click Next.
- In the Icon drop-down list, select an icon that represents your channel.
- In the Icon color and Icon background color fields, specify the hex values for the icon and background colors.
- In the Sort channel items by drop-down list, select how you want channel content sorted.
- Click Next.
- Use the options provided to specify who can view the channel (either all users or select groups and branches):
- All groups and branches
- Select groups and branches
- Click Next.
- Use the options provided to specify who can upload and publish assets (that is, content) in this channel:
- Everyone
- Everyone, with Experts peer review
- Experts only
- Click Next.
- Click Finish.