Configure Required Enrollments for Certifications

Learning Guide

Configure Required Enrollments for Certifications

You can configure certifications so that they’re required for specific employees or groups of employees in Dayforce.

Note: If automatic renewals are configured for the certification, employees who aren’t specified in the Required Enrollments section might still be required to complete the certification. See Configure Automatic Renewals for Certifications.

To configure a certification to be required for employees:

  1. Go to Learning Setup > Certifications.
  2. In the Required Enrollments section for the certification, select the Required checkbox.
  3. Select which employees are required to complete the certification using the Groups and Employees fields. If you want to select all groups or all employees, select the corresponding checkbox for that choice.
  4. If you want to send notifications for the certification to only the specified employees, and to the managers and administrators for those employees, select the Disable certification alerts for employees who are not required to complete the certification and managers and administrators who are not required to be informed of the certification checkbox.
  5. Click Save.