Configure Questions for Course Surveys

Learning Guide

Configure Questions for Course Surveys

After adding a survey as a training material for a course, you can use the Add Questions drop-down list to add and configure the survey questions and components.

Options in the Add Questions drop-down list
Option Description

Single Choice

Multiple Choice

Inline Choice

Adds the question and shows the answer options as follows:

  • Single Choice: Shows radio buttons. Learners can select only one option.
  • Multiple Choice: Shows checkboxes. Learners can select multiple options.
  • Inline Choice: Shows a drop-down list. Learners can select only one option.

To configure a single choice, multiple choice, or inline choice questions:

  1. Enter the question.
  2. (Optional) Select the checkbox to mark the question as mandatory.
  3. Click Add Answer, enter an answer, and then click Add.
  4. Enter additional answers, clicking Add for each one.
  5. Note: Ideally, you should add at least three answers to ensure that learners have enough options.
  6. Click Save Changes.
Text Answer

Adds the questions with a text box in which learners can enter their answer.

Enter the question you'd like the learner to answer, optionally, select the checkbox to mark the question as mandatory, and then click Save Changes.

Linkert Scale

Adds questions with a scale where learners can select the appropriate answer:

Example of a Linkert Scale in a survey.

To configure a Linkert Scale:

  1. In the text editor, enter an overall question or the instructions for completing the scale.
  2. (Optional) Select the checkbox to mark the questions in the scale as mandatory.
  3. In the Add Questions field, enter the questions that you'd like the learner to answer, clicking the add icon ( ) for each question.
  4. In the Define Likert Scale field, enter the values for the scale.
  5. Click Save Changes.
Title Adds a title to the survey to help identify sections or to give instructions. Enter the text, and then click Save Changes.
Page Break Adds a page break to the survey. Add the page break wherever you want to start a new page of questions.