Configure Pervasive Learning

Learning Guide

Configure Pervasive Learning

To configure pervasive learning:

  1. Go to Learning Setup > Pervasive Learning.
  2. Click Add.


  1. In the General section, you configure where the banner message will appear to learners, which learners can see the message, and when it appears.
  2. Select one or more features that the courses will appear in the Features drop-down list, or click the selector icon and select the checkbox next to each feature.
  3. To restrict the display to specific groups, select them from the Groups drop-down.
  4. You create groups in HR Admin > Groups. See Groups.
  5. Note: If you don’t make a selection, the courses are displayed to all users that have access to the specified feature and are enrolled in the selected courses.
  6. Select the date to begin displaying the courses in the Effective From drop-down list.
  7. To define an end date, after which the courses are no longer displayed, select the date in the Effective To drop-down list.


  1. In the Courses section, you configure which courses appear to the learner when they click the banner message in the feature.
  2. Click Add to add a course.
  3. Enter part or all of the course name in the search field, then click Search. The application returns a list of available courses that meet the search setting. Select the checkbox next to the course to add it to the list, and click Ok.
  4. Repeat the step above until all of the necessary courses have been added to the list.
  5. The courses appear in Dayforce in the order that you configure. To reorder the courses, drag and drop them into the appropriate order.

Banner Message

  1. In the Banner Message section, you configure the banner message that is displayed in the feature. You can view a preview of the message on this section.
  2. (Optional) Enter a header for the banner in the Message Header field.
  3. Enter the banner message in the Message Body field.
  4. Click Save.