Configure Integration with Skilla

Learning Guide

Configure Integration with Skilla

To access and activate the integration with Skilla:

  1. Go to Learning SetupContent Marketplace.
  2. Click Skilla.
  3. Click Activate Skilla and then confirm by clicking Activate.
  4. Important: You shouldn’t use an email address that is already active in Skilla. If you already have a Skilla account, please contact Skilla regarding how to use your account in your platform.

Import Content from Skilla

To import content from Skilla:

  1. Click the Import button on the course.
  2. Select the import type:
    • Import as training material in the Central Repository: The course will be imported to the Central Repository, where you can push the contents as training material to courses.
    • Import as training material in the Central Repository and create courses: The course will be imported to the Central Repository, and you will also create a course with the same name as the training material.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Select the category destination. If you are importing the course as training material, click Confirm.
  5. If you are also creating courses, click Next and continue to the following optional steps.
  6. (Optional) To make the course available in catalogs, select them in the list. Click Next.
  7. (Optional) Select individual learners, learners in an employee group, or learners in an organization branch to enroll them in the course.
  8. Click Confirm.

Mass Import Content from Skilla

To import multiple courses from Skilla:

  1. Click the download icon in the top right corner.
  2. Select which courses you want to import, then select whether to import them as Central Repository content or as courses.
  3. (Optional) Select the category destination. This import option doesn’t allow you to enroll users into courses at this stage, because courses might have different types of audience.
  4. Click Import.