Configure Integration with OpenSesame

Learning Guide

Configure Integration with OpenSesame

Before You Begin: You must have the Super Administrator role to access the Content Marketplace.

To access and activate the integration with OpenSesame:

  1. Go to Learning Setup > Content Marketplace.
  2. Click OpenSesame.
  3. Click Activate OpenSesame and then confirm by clicking Activate. Your user and platform information is provisioned, and an OpenSesame account is created for your platform.
  4. Important: You shouldn’t use an email address that is already active in OpenSesame. If you already have an OpenSesame account, please contact OpenSesame regarding how to use your account in your platform.

Import Content from OpenSesame

To import content from OpenSesame:

  1. Click the Courses tab, or select an industry from the drop-down list in the Industries tab. You can also search for a specific course using the search button.
  2. Click a course to access its page and view the course details. These details might include the price, if the course is available for mobile devices, features, difficulty, supported browsers, languages, if the content is included in OpenSesame Plus, any course ratings that might be available, and any required plug-ins.
  3. Click Add to Cart. You can add as many courses as necessary to your cart before checking out.
  4. When you have finished adding courses to your cart, click the shopping cart icon and check out.

Mass Import Content from OpenSesame

To import multiple courses from OpenSesame:

  1. Click the download icon in the top right corner.
  2. Select which courses you want to import, then select whether to import them as Central Repository content or as courses.
  3. (Optional) Select the category destination. This import option doesn’t allow you to enroll users into courses at this stage, because courses might have different types of audience.
  4. Click Import.

Help with your OpenSesame Content

If you’re experiencing issues with OpenSesame content, use the Help slide-out menu to contact OpenSesame. OpenSesame’s Help center offers live chat, help articles, support tickets, release notes, FAQs, and more.

Note: Dayforce support cannot handle issues related to OpenSesame courses, content, or purchasing. Students experiencing problems with training material coming from OpenSesame should also contact the vendor.

If the OpenSesame Marketplace keeps asking you to log in, you might not have cookies enabled in your browser. Enable cookies and try again. If you're still having issues, refer to OpenSesame's help center.

If your import process remains in Preparing status for more than 10 minutes, your platform Superadmin can open a support ticket with OpenSesame by writing an email to and providing details about the issue.