Add Training Material to the Central Repository

Learning Guide

Add Training Material to the Central Repository

In Learning Setup > Central Repository, you can add training materials for use in your organization's Learning courses.

Before You Begin: You can't add course assignments to the central repository; they can be added only from the Training Material tab in Learning Setup > Courses and Learning Plans.

To add training material to the central repository:

  1. Go to Learning Setup > Central Repository.
  2. In the Folders panel, click the folder that you want to add the training material to. If you want to add a new folder, click the new icon () in the top-right corner, select New Folder, enter a name and (optionally) a code, select the position in the folder hierarchy, and then click Create.
  3. Click the new icon () and select New Training Material.
  4. Select a training material type, click Select, and then use the provided fields to add the item. For surveys, see Configure Questions for Course Surveys .
  5. Click Save Changes. For surveys, you're asked to choose a tracking mode before you can save your changes. This tracking mode can't be changed later, so it's important to select the correct option before saving. See Completion Tracking Mode.

For information about the maximum size and supported file types for training material, see "Appendix: Technical Requirements" in the Dayforce Implementation Guide.

Add Training Material from Courses to the Central Repository

If needed, you can add training material from courses to the central repository. Adding material to the central repository lets you reuse it for future courses and lets you maintain and track it for multiple courses in one place.

To add training material to the central repository from a course:

  1. Go to Learning Setup > Courses and Learning Plans > Courses.
  2. Open the course with the training material that you want to add to the central repository, and then click the Training Material tab.
  3. Click the action menu for the training material, and then click Upload to the Central Repository.
  4. Select the folder that you want to add the training material to, and then click Upload.

Unlink Training Material in Courses from the Central Repository

If needed, you can unlink training material that's stored in the central repository from your courses. When you unlink the material, it's removed from the course but is still available in the central repository. Tracking for the unlinked training material is also preserved in the central repository.

To unlink training material from a course:

  1. Go to Learning Setup > Courses and Learning Plans > Courses.
  2. Open the course with the training material that you want to unlink, and then click the Training Material tab.
  3. Click the action menu for the training material, and then click Unlink.
  4. (Optional) In the Unlink dialog box, select the checkbox to set the course status to completed for all users who have finished all other training materials for the course.
  5. Note: It's best practice to select this checkbox if one or more learners haven't completed the unlinked training material.
  6. Click Yes.

Completion Tracking Mode

All of the training materials added to Central Repository use shared tracking. This means that if you have the same training material (or the same version of the training material) in multiple courses, the learner has to complete the material only once. After completing it in the first course, it's automatically marked as completed in the rest of the courses for that learner.

The only exception to this is surveys, which don't automatically use the shared tracking option. When creating a survey, Dayforce shows the following options:

  • Local Tracking: Requires learners to take the survey for each course that includes it. This option is recommended because it provides more accurate survey results for each course.
  • Shared Tracking: Requires learners to take the course only once, even if it's included in multiple courses. This is the same tracking method used for other types of training material.

Note: You can't edit the tracking mode for an existing survey. If you want to change the tracking, you have to delete the survey and recreate it with the preferred tracking mode.