Add Training Material to Courses

Learning Guide

Add Training Material to Courses

You can add a variety of training materials to courses, such as videos, assignments, and tests. You add these materials in the Training Material tab for courses in Learning Setup > Courses and Learning Plans. In this tab, you can also add widgets to help enhance the learner's experience while taking the course. See Add Widgets to Courses.

To add training material:

  1. Go to Learning Setup > Courses and Learning Plans > Courses.
  2. Open the course you want to add training material to, and then click the Training Material tab.
  3. Click Add Training Material, and then select an option to upload, import, or create material.
  4. Use the provided fields to add the training material. For surveys, see Configure Questions for Course Surveys . For observation checklists, see Add Observation Checklists to Courses as Training Material.
  5. Click Save Changes.

For information about the maximum size and supported file types for training material, see "Appendix: Technical Requirements" in the Dayforce Implementation Guide.

Organize Training Material in Folders

You can organize your course training material into folders. Folders are very useful when you need to organize your material by topic or chapter. The root folder will take the same name as the course.

To assign training material to a folder, drag and drop it in the folder structure.

To add a new folder, click Add Training Material and then select New Folder in the drop-down list. Enter a name and save your changes. After you create the folder, you can delete it or edit it by clicking the icon at the end of the folder row in the training material area and then selecting the corresponding option.

You can change the order of the folders by dragging them to the desired location. To add a sub-folder, select the destination folder and once you are inside of it, create a folder following the same steps described above.

Note: It's best practice to limit the number of layers in the folder hierarchy.