Add Pages to Menus

Learning Guide

Add Pages to Menus

To add pages to a menu:

  1. Go to Learning Setup > Pages Setup.
  2. Click the Manage Menus tab.
  3. Select the menu that you want to add a page to by clicking the link in the Name column.
  4. Click the Desktop Main Menu tab.
  5. In the Available Pages for Desktop section, select the checkboxes for the pages that you are adding to the selected menu, then click Add Pages.
  6. You can organize the order of the pages in the menu by dragging and dropping the rows in the menu structure. To remove a page from the menu, click the menu item at the end of the row and click Remove.
  7. In the publishing bar at the bottom of the screen, in the Status field, select Published or Unpublished. Unpublished menus cannot be seen by any users.
  8. Click Save Changes.