Add Observation Checklists to Courses as Training Material

Learning Guide

Add Observation Checklists to Courses as Training Material

You can add observation checklists as course training material to help the assigned observers check that the learner has completed certain tasks and can demonstrate what they’ve learned. Checklists that were created in Learning Setup > Observation Checklist can be added to courses in Learning Setup > Courses and Learning Plans.

After you add the checklist to a course, the course is listed in the checklist’s Courses tab in Learning Setup > Observation Checklist.

To add a checklist to a course:

  1. Go to Learning Setup > Courses and Learning Plans > Courses.
  2. Open the course, and then click the Training Material tab.
  3. Click Add Training Material, and then click Observation Checklist.
  4. Select a checklist, and then click Next.
  5. Specify who will be the observer for the checklist. The observer can be the learners themselves, each learner’s manager, or a custom user in charge of completing checklists.
  6. If you want the checklist to go through an approval process, click the Enable Checklist Approval checkbox and then specify an approver for the checklist, either each learner’s manager or a custom user.
  7. Specify when the training material will be considered complete, either when the checklist is completed or when the checklist is sent to the observer.
  8. Click Import.
  9. Add a title, description, and additional info for the checklist as needed, and then click Save Changes.