Deleted Pages Folder

Experience Hub Administrator Guide

Deleted Pages Folder

When you click Deleted Pages in the lower left navigation panel, Dayforce opens the contents of the Deleted Pages folder for you to manage subpages and home pages that were deleted. You have access to all of the folder's contents.

Previously deleted items, before Release 63, Service Pack 4, don't show in the folder. So, unless you deleted items between the time Hub and Dayforce was released, the Deleted Pages folder will be empty and the Restore/Delete buttons will be grayed out.

When the folder has deleted items that you want to recover, it shows information for the following column headers:

  • Name: Name of the page as shown in the left Hub navigation panel
  • Page Type: Home page
  • Language: All localized language names are shown, up to the maximum amount of space in that column. If additional language names cannot fit in the space, you can see them by hovering with your mouse.
  • Deleted By: First and last name of the person who deleted the page
  • Date Deleted: The month, day, year, and time the deletion occurred

Currently, there is no limit to the number of pages in the Deleted Pages folder, nor is there a time limit specified for how long pages can remain in the folder.

Delete, restore, and permanently delete actions
Action Result
Delete a page that exists in both a draft and published state The published version is moved to the Deleted Pages folder and the draft version is no longer available. If restored, the page becomes draft.
Delete a re-created localized page that was previously deleted The re-created localized page overwrites the previously deleted page in the Deleted Pages folder
Delete one localized page and then delete another localized version of the same page The Language column in the Deleted Pages folder updates to include the languages of both deleted pages. The Date Deleted column updates to show the last delete
Restore a home page or subpage where the appearance was deleted The page restores with the default appearance, or the appearance that displays first in the drop-down if there is no default appearance.
Permanently delete a page from the deleted pages folder All copies including any localized versions of the page are completely purged from Dayforce immediately and might not be recovered.
Permanent deletion is unsuccessful Dayforce displays an error message.