Deleted Pages

Experience Hub Administrator Guide

Deleted Pages
Delete, restore, and permanently delete actions
Action Result
Delete a page that exists in both a draft and published state. The published version is moved to the Deleted Pages folder and the draft version is no longer available. If restored, the page becomes draft.
Delete a re-created localized page that was previously deleted. The re-created localized page overwrites the previously deleted page in the Deleted Pages folder.
Delete one localized page and then delete another localized version of the same page. The Language column in the Deleted Pages folder updates to include the languages of both deleted pages. The Date Deleted column updates to show the last delete.
Restore a home page or subpage where the appearance was deleted. The page restores with the default appearance, or the appearance that displays first in the drop-down if there is no default appearance.
Permanently delete a page from the deleted pages folder. All copies including any localized versions of the page are completely purged from the application immediately and might not be recovered.
Permanent deletion is unsuccessful. The application displays an error message.