Configure Rich Text Widgets

Experience Hub Administrator Guide

Configure Rich Text Widgets

Before You Begin: When you configure widgets that don't support the role authorization feature, make sure that no personal or sensitive information is included, because the contents in those widgets are visible to the Dayforce users who have access to those hubs. Also, you might upload your own images to the Hub. However, by uploading an image, you acknowledge that you aren’t infringing on any copyright and are either the owner of the material or have received permission to use the material. If you cease to have a lawful basis to use the material, you agree to immediately delete or remove the material from the Hub.

Note: Any existing pasted images that were added prior to Release 62, Service Pack 2, will display in Rich Text widgets; but if the page containing the images is saved or republished, Dayforce might remove those images from the RTE.

To add and configure Rich Text Widgets:

  1. In Hub Designer, select a home page, in a section, click + Add Widget.
  2. In the drop-down list, click Rich Text Editor.
  3. (Optional) Enter or paste text, or paste an image into the editor. If you paste an image, Dayforce displays a confirmation dialog indicating that the image will be saved to the Media Library. The application displays dialog error messages if you attempt the following:
    • Paste unsupported image types
    • Paste images that cannot be pasted from certain web pages
    • Paste images when there isn't enough remaining storage space in the Media Library. You can delete unwanted files from the Media Library for more storage space and click OK again to save.
    • Paste images that exceed the 2 MB maximum file size
  4. Format the text as needed, and add images, tables, and more:
    Text editor controls
    Undo and redo icon.Undo, Redo
    Bold, italic, and underline icons.Bold, Italic, Underline
    Paragraph styles icon.Paragraph Styles
    Clear formatting icon.Clear Formatting
    Insert bulleted list and insert numbered list icons.Insert Bullet List, Insert Numbered List
    Outdent and indent icons.Outdent, Indent
    Text alignment icons.Text Alignment
    Insert/Edit Link icon.

    Use this control to open the Insert/Edit Link dialog box, where you specify details for the external link, file from the Media Library, or page link that you want to link to:

    • External Link tab:
      • URL: Enter the URL beginning with http:// or https://. This field is required.
      • Text to display: Enter a description. This field is required.
      • Link Description: Optionally, describe the link to determine its purpose so that it's accessible for users of assistive technologies.
    • Media Library tab:
      • File: Select a document, image, or video file from the Media Library. This field is required.
      • Text to Display: Enter a description. This field is required.
      • Link Description: Optionally, describe the link to determine its purpose so that it's accessible for users of assistive technologies.

    Clicking Save applies only to the tab that is open. In addition, when you right-click your image in the editor, Dayforce shows both the Insert/Edit Image and Insert/Edit Link dialog box options in a list for you to choose.

    Note: Links to documents from the Media Library in the RTE are now supported in the mobile app.

    insert tableInsert a Table
    insert picture

    Insert an Image

    Use this control to open the Insert/Edit Image dialog box, where you specify details for the image:

    • Image: Browse for the image in the Media Library.
    • Alternative Description: Describe the image to make it accessible for users of assistive technologies, and for users who encounter issues downloading or viewing the image.
    • Height: (Optional) Provide the image height in pixels. The image aspect ratio is maintained. If you don’t specify the height, Dayforce uses the existing measurements of the image. If you adjust the image size in the Rich Text Editor after you save your changes, the dialog box shows the updated pixel height.

    When you right-click your image in the editor, Dayforce shows both the Insert/Edit Image and Insert/Edit Link dialog box options in a list for you to choose.

    insert video

    Important: Review externally hosted videos and track files (.vtt) with your IT department to verify cross-browser permissions.

    Use this control to open the Insert/Edit Video dialog box where you specify:

    • Source: YouTube, Vimeo, external link, or the Media Library.
    • Video File/ YouTube URL/ Vimeo URL: Enter or paste the URL for the video, beginning with http:// or https://. For Media Library files, click Select to browse the Media Library for your file. The file extension for external files and files in the Media Library must be .mp4 or .webm. This field is required.
    • Alternative Description: Enter a description for end users who use screen readers. This field applies to YouTube and Vimeo.
    • Track File URL (file extension .vtt): This field is for captions. For external files, enter or paste the URL beginning with http:// or https://. For Media Library files, click Select to open the Select Media dialog box to choose a file from the selection of .vtt files that Dayforce displays. This field applies to external videos or videos in the Media Library.
    • Start Video at: Enter the video start time using MM:SS or HH:MM:SS format with a maximum length of 59 minutes or seconds. This field applies to YouTube and Vimeo.
    • Display captions by default when available: Add a checkmark to display captions for accessibility. This field applies to YouTube.
    Find and replace, accessibility checker icon.Find and Replace, Accessibility Checker
    Full Screen Editor icon.Full Screen Editor
    Tip: The editor supports standard keyboard shortcuts such as Ctrl+B (bold), Ctrl+I (italic), Ctrl+C (copy), and so on.
  5. In the Visibility drop-down list, select All, Web Only, or Mobile App Only.
  6. Click OK to save and return to the page.