Add or Copy a Home Page

Experience Hub Administrator Guide

Add or Copy a Home Page

Before You Begin: Dayforce provides an optional sample page template and sample appearance template as a starting point when you configure a home page for the first time. For more information about the page template, see Sample Page. For information about the appearance template, see Sample Appearance Template.

Note: The Sample Appearance header background image is provided by an artist from and is made available under the license:

To add a home page:

  1. Go to Hub Setup > Hub Designer.
  2. In the Hubs tab:
    • Click the down triangle beside the plus sign (+) icon, and select Home Page to create a new hub.
    • Select a hub to use as a starting point and click Copy.
  3. Note: When you copy a page, all of the associated localized pages, excluding their linked pages are also copied. However, links to pages within the same Hub aren’t copied for localized pages.
  4. In the Add Home Page dialog box, enter a name and, optionally, a description. If you enter a description, it appears only in the Audience tab in Hub Designer.
  5. Select a Template in the drop-down list:
    • Default Template: Provides a default template so that you don't have to create a hub from scratch. Includes a Favorites, Balances, Earnings, Pending Actions, and My Team widget.
    • Sample Page: Provides a sample page template so that you don't have to create a hub page from scratch. Includes a Rich Text, Favorites, Balances, Quick Links, Earnings, and Feature Links widget.
    • Blank Page: Provides an empty page for you to build from scratch.
  6. Select an appearance in the drop-down list. When you create a home page this field is automatically populated with the default appearance drop-down option, but you can change it if you want.
  7. Note: The selected appearance applies to all localized pages of that hub.
  8. You have three options to choose in for the Greeting field:
    • Keep the default greeting.
    • Click Insert Token, and select a token in the drop-down list to configure a greeting.
    • Edit the field and enter your own customized text.
    • Note: The field the character limit is 100. The greeting field is required
  9. (Optional) Select a different default language in the Default Language drop-down field.
  10. Note: For home pages, the prefilled default language and language drop-down options derive from what is configured in Dayforce in Site Setup > Client. This is a required field.
  11. Click Add.
  12. Add sections and widgets as needed.
  13. Click Save to save a draft.
  14. Note: The page isn’t visible until you publish it. See Publish Hubs.