Before You Begin: Dayforce provides an optional sample page template and sample appearance template as a starting point when you configure a home page for the first time. For more information about the page template, see Sample Page. For information about the appearance template, see Sample Appearance Template.
Note: The Sample Appearance header background image is provided by an artist from and is made available under the license:
To add a home page:
- Go to Hub Setup > Hub Designer.
- In the Hubs tab:
- Click the down triangle beside the plus sign (+) icon, and select Home Page to create a new hub.
- Select a hub to use as a starting point and click Copy.
- Note: When you copy a page, all of the associated localized pages, excluding their linked pages are also copied. However, links to pages within the same Hub aren’t copied for localized pages.
- In the Add Home Page dialog box, enter a name and, optionally, a description. If you enter a description, it appears only in the Audience tab in Hub Designer.
- Select a Template in the drop-down list:
- Default Template: Provides a default template so that you don't have to create a hub from scratch. Includes a Favorites, Balances, Earnings, Pending Actions, and My Team widget.
- Sample Page: Provides a sample page template so that you don't have to create a hub page from scratch. Includes a Rich Text, Favorites, Balances, Quick Links, Earnings, and Feature Links widget.
- Blank Page: Provides an empty page for you to build from scratch.
Select an appearance in the drop-down list. When you create a home page this field is automatically populated with the default appearance drop-down option, but you can change it if you want. - Note: The selected appearance applies to all localized pages of that hub.
You have three options to choose in for the Greeting field:- Keep the default greeting.
- Click Insert Token, and select a token in the drop-down list to configure a greeting.
- Edit the field and enter your own customized text.
- Note: The field the character limit is 100. The greeting field is required
- (Optional) Select a different default language in the Default Language drop-down field.
- Note: For home pages, the prefilled default language and language drop-down options derive from what is configured in Dayforce in Site Setup > Client. This is a required field.
- Click Add.
- Add sections and widgets as needed.
- Click Save to save a draft.
- Note: The page isn’t visible until you publish it. See Publish Hubs.