Your Peer Community Sharing Preferences

Employee Guide

Your Peer Community Sharing Preferences

In Career Explorer, you can set your preferences for sharing your career activity with your peer community. Career activity is shared in the Community Insights section of the Career Explorer home page and in the details for career opportunities and skills. Sharing your activity can help you connect with other employees who have similar career goals.

The first time you access Career Explorer, you’re prompted to set your preferences as part of the getting started process, but you can adjust the settings at any time by clicking the Connect with your peer community card in the Preferences section of the Career Explorer home page.

Depending on your saved sharing preferences, when you view the list of peers for a community insight, you might see a banner inviting you to update your preferences from that screen. Your selection is saved to your profile and can be updated at any time from the Career Explorer home page.

If you set your preferences to allow sharing, other employees can see your name and Dayforce profile picture (if available) in the community insights cards and in the community insights for opportunities and skills. If you choose not to allow sharing, your skills, proficiency levels, and career activity are still shown, but you’re identified as an anonymous team member, without your name or profile picture. This allows you to retain your privacy while still providing valuable insights for your peers.

Important: Your career plan details are never shared with your peers.

Peer community sharing options

Sharing Option Information Shared with Peers
Allow peers and managers to connect you to opportunities
  • Your current skills
  • Your current proficiency levels
Allow peers and managers to recognize your career accomplishments
  • Progress for your career plans
  • Activity for your career plans
Share your career goals to receive community support
  • Your types of career plans (career change or career advancement)

For more information about community insights in Career Explorer, see Your Community Insights.