Sign Off on Your Timesheet

Employee Guide

Sign Off on Your Timesheet

Dayforce can track when you sign off on the recorded time and details of your timesheet. By signing off on your timesheet, you’re agreeing that it’s accurate. If Dayforce is configured to track your sign-off, it shows the following buttons and comment field:

Timesheet authorization with the approve and disapprove icons and a blank comment field.

To sign off on your timesheet: 

  1. Go to Employee Timesheet and load a week.
  2. To sign off on the week, click the checkmark. If you disagree with the details on your timesheet, click X.
  3. Enter any comments that you want your supervisor or manager to see.
  4. Click Save.

If you click the X, Dayforce adds a message indicating that the period hasn’t been authorized. After you do this, if you make any changes to your timesheet and save, an additional X icon appears so that you can clear your initial authorization selection:

Timesheet authorization with the approve and disapprove icons and an additional X icon.

In this scenario, click the X. Dayforce clears your selection and the checkmark icon turns blue to mark that it’s available. To authorize your records, click the checkmark.