Development Plan Detail Fields

Employee Guide

Development Plan Detail Fields

When you create a development plan, there are several fields that you can use to record the plan details. These fields help track the purpose, progress, and timeline for the plan.

Before You Begin: Depending on configuration, some of the following fields might be marked as required and some might not be displayed.

Note: Only the Plan name field is required when saving a plan as a draft, even if one or more of the other fields are also marked as required.

Plan detail fields
Field Description
Plan name The name of the plan. This field is always marked as required.
Plan description A description of the plan.
Plan purpose The purpose of the plan. For example, "Skill Development". This field is always marked as required.
Purpose description A description of the plan purpose. This can provide more details about why you created the plan.
Overall progress % The overall progress for the plan as a percentage. For example, if you haven't started working towards the plan goals, you'd enter 0. If you have started, you might enter 30.
Start date The date that you'd like to begin the plan.
Due date The date that you'd like to complete the plan.