When you create a development plan, there are several fields that you can use to record the plan details. These fields help track the purpose, progress, and timeline for the plan.
Before You Begin: Depending on configuration, some of the following fields might be marked as required and some might not be displayed.
Note: Only the Plan name field is required when saving a plan as a draft, even if one or more of the other fields are also marked as required.
Field | Description |
Plan name | The name of the plan. This field is always marked as required. |
Plan description | A description of the plan. |
Plan purpose | The purpose of the plan. For example, "Skill Development". This field is always marked as required. |
Purpose description | A description of the plan purpose. This can provide more details about why you created the plan. |
Overall progress % | The overall progress for the plan as a percentage. For example, if you haven't started working towards the plan goals, you'd enter 0. If you have started, you might enter 30. |
Start date | The date that you'd like to begin the plan. |
Due date | The date that you'd like to complete the plan. |