Dependent Verification

Employee Guide

Dependent Verification

In Benefits, in the Dependent Verification tab, you can upload multiple supporting documents to verify your dependents if you selected benefit plans that require dependent verification in the enrollment. After submitting the enrollment, you can access the Dependent Verification screen by clicking View Details in the Summary section. You can also access this screen when you click the Benefits > Dependent Verification link in your Message Center notification.

The Dependent Verification screen contains two sections:

  • In Progress: Shows the Pending, Under Review, and Inaccurate/Illegible verification statuses. You can upload documents for dependent verification in this section.
  • Completed: Shows the dependent verification statuses where no action is required. The verification statuses in this section are Approved, Expired, and Denied.

Upload Verification Documents

To upload documents for dependent verification:

  1. Go to Benefits and click the Dependent Verification tab.
  2. In the In Progress section, click Upload Documents for the dependent.
  3. In the Upload Supporting Documentation dialog box, click Upload.
  4. In the Upload Files dialog box, click Add File and select the document that you want to upload. You can upload multiple documents. To remove the file from the dialog box, click Clear List.
  5. Click Upload. The dialog box automatically closes when the file uploads successfully.
  6. Note: Dayforce shows an error message if you upload unsupported document types.
  7. (Optional) Enter comments.
  8. Click OK, then Save.

If you go to other tabs without saving the uploaded document, a warning message shows.

After saving the uploaded document, the verification status in the Status column changes from Pending to Under Review. You can view the uploaded documents by clicking the links in the Documentation column. To view the details of the uploaded document, click the expand icon next to the dependent.

The benefits administrator can view the list of documents uploaded by you for dependent verification. Administrators can approve, deny, remove, or record the document as Inaccurate/Illegible. If the administrator records your uploaded document as Inaccurate/Illegible, you will receive a notification, and you can upload another document. You will receive notifications for every action performed by the administrator during the dependent verification process.