Calendar Views

Employee Guide

Calendar Views

To control the amount of information that Dayforce shows on the calendar, you can switch between the views at the top of the screen. Dayforce always shows the current view at the top of the list, next to the down arrow:

View drop-down menu showing options such as Week, Calendar Day, and Bidding Calendar.

Changing the view also controls how Dayforce shows the information on each day. You can also control the level of detail in most views. See Calendar View Options.

Calendar Month View

Shows the calendar for the entire month, with the lowest level of detail of all of the view options.

For past worked days, the calendar shows both scheduled and worked hours. For future scheduled days, it shows only scheduled hours:

Portion of the monthly calendar showing paydays, worked shifts, and future scheduled shifts.

In this screenshot, the last three dates on the bottom row are in the future and haven’t been worked.

Week View

Shows a weekly calendar with a static first day of the week (based on the organization’s start of the week). This view shows more detail than the Calendar Month View:

Week View with shifts and days shown in order from Sunday to Saturday.

Rolling Week View

Shows a dynamic weekly calendar where the current day is highlighted in the middle, with the three prior and future days shown:

Rolling Week view with Friday highlighted in the middle of the calendar and shifts on some days.

Calendar Day View

Shows a daily calendar with the highest level of detail available in any of the views, with worked time and scheduled time side-by-side:

Daily view showing the scheduled and worked hours and meal times side by side.

As well, the weekly and daily view show indicators to let you know whether you worked shifts:

  • If you worked a scheduled shift, Dayforce shows a blue bar next to the shift, shades it in gray, and shows the Worked label:
  • Worked shift shaded gray with the blue bar and Worked label.
  • If you worked an unscheduled shift, Dayforce shades the shift in gray and shows the Worked label:
  • Worked, unscheduled shift shaded gray with the Worked label.
  • If you didn’t work a scheduled shift, Dayforce shades the shift in red and shows the Scheduled Not Worked label:
  • Unworked scheduled shift shaded red with the Scheduled Not Worked label.
  • If you have an upcoming scheduled shift, Dayforce shows it without shading and with the Scheduled label:
  • Future shift in a white cell with the Scheduled label.

Also, if there are auto-paid shifts, Dayforce shows a “Paid to Schedule” status along with the total scheduled hours. In the monthly view, in both high detail and low detail, Dayforce shows auto-paid shifts as follows.

High detail:

Shift in high detail with the Paid to Schedule label.

Low detail:

Shift in low detail with the Hours Paid to Schedule label.

In the weekly and daily views, Dayforce shows auto-paid shifts as follows:

Shift in the daily view with the Paid to Schedule label and hours below the scheduled hours.

Bidding Calendar View

Shows vacation dates eligible for vacation bidding, if available in your instance of Dayforce:

Bidding Calendar View showing a monthly calendar with cells containing the number of vacation slots.

Dayforce shows the number of available vacation slots on each eligible day in the vacation bidding period. This number is dynamic, meaning it changes when employees in your vacation bidding group (and, if configured, your sub-group) with a higher rank in the bidding order submit a bid for the date before you do.

Depending on how Dayforce is configured, you might be able to view vacation bids made by other employees by clicking the appropriate calendar cells. Additionally, depending on the session type, Dayforce indicates if there’s a low probability that you’ll be granted a day off if there are several pending bids on the same day.

After you bid on vacation days, Dayforce shows your pending dates on the calendar in orange:

Calendar cell highlighted orange with a pending bid and showing 2 slots available.

See Vacation Bidding.