Enable the Web Services Role Feature

Dayforce SOAP Web Services Developer Guide

Enable the Web Services Role Feature

You must ensure that the user account is associated with a role that has the Web Services feature enabled on it. For example, if such a role doesn't currently exist in your instance, you (or your site administrator) might create a Web Services user role and then associate the user account with that role.

Before You Begin: To authenticate, the user’s role must have the Web Services feature enabled. Sub-features must also be enabled to perform actions such as reading data. Currently, Read Data is the only sub-feature available.

To enable this role feature in Dayforce:

  1. Go to System Admin > Roles and select the role for which you want to enable Web Services access.
  2. Click the Features tab.
  3. Expand HCM Anywhere > Web Services and select Read Data and any other options you want to include.

Authenticate and Acquire a Session Ticket

After authentication is complete and successful, the response from the Authenticate method includes a Session Ticket. This Session Ticket must be passed on future service method calls, such as the Query method. The Session will eventually timeout or expire, at which time you can authenticate again to obtain a new Session Ticket.

Sample Code – Authenticate and Acquire a Session Ticket

Sample code to authenticate and acquire a session ticket.

Log Out to Terminate the User Session

User sessions expire when they are idle with no interaction for a number of minutes. It’s best practice to explicitly log out of a user session when you’re done working with it. To do this, call the Logout method, passing in the session ticket that you acquired from the Authenticate method. The Logout method doesn't return a response and it won’t throw any exceptions.

Sample Code – Logout of a user session

Sample code to log out of a user session.