
Dayforce Mobile App Guide - Android


In the Timesheet feature, you can view the hours you worked each week. The application shows the number of hours you were scheduled to work, and shows an icon that signifies the status of the shift. The application also shows the weekly total of the hours worked.

When you first open the Timesheet feature during a locked period, you can’t add or change any shift information and the app shows the message, “You will not be able to make edits for locked pay periods.” Additionally, the app marks locked shifts with the locked icon (locked pay period icon).

Here is the list of icons that the Timesheet feature shows to label statuses and other situations:

Timesheet Icons
Shift Icons
unworked scheduled shift icon

Represents a scheduled shift you didn’t clock in for.

worked scheduled shift icon

Represents a shift that you worked as scheduled.

on the clock for scheduled shift icon

Represents a scheduled shift that you are currently clocked in for; you are currently “on the clock”, and after you clock out, the shift is marked with the (worked scheduled shift icon) icon.

started shift icon if autopay

Represents a shift that has started if you are an auto pay (that is, paid to schedule) employee.

upcoming scheduled shift icon

Represents a shift you are scheduled to work in the future.

on the clock for unscheduled shift icon

Represents an unscheduled shift that you are currently clocked in for; you are currently “on the clock”, and after you clock out, the shift is marked with the (worked unscheduled shift icon) icon.

worked unscheduled shift icon

Represents a shift you worked, but weren’t scheduled for.

shift with transfers icon

Shifts with transfers.

Pay Adjustment Icons
Hours or time adjustment icon Represents a pay adjustment (hours/time).
Amount adjustment icon Represents a pay adjustment (amount).
Authorization Icons
Approved by employee icon Approved by employee.
Approved by manager icon Approved by manager.
Approved by employee and manager icon Approved by both manager and employee.
Validation Icons
error icon Error. Displayed beside the shift and in the problem panel.
warning icon Warning. Displayed beside the shift and in the problem panel.
info icon. Information. Displayed in the problem panel.
Miscellaneous Icons
Locked pay period icon Locked pay period.
Holiday icon Holiday.