Call in a Replacement

Dayforce Mobile App Guide - Android

Call in a Replacement

When an employee hasn’t clocked in for a scheduled shift, you can use the Call-In List to add a replacement directly to the schedule or to contact one or more eligible employees by text, email, or phone call to request that they pick up the unworked shift.

You can access the Call-In List in one of two ways:

  • Tap the Chevron icon on any unworked, scheduled shift.
  • On the scheduled employee’s Day Summary screen, tap the schedule to open the Schedule Details screen and then tap Call-In Replacement.

Add a Replacement Directly to the Schedule

To add an employee directly to the schedule, tap the employee’s name and then tap Assign to Schedule.

Offer the Shift to a Particular Employee

  • To offer the shift to one employee in particular, tap to select them from the list and then tap Contact Employee. You can contact them by text message, email, or phone call.
  • Offer the Shift to Multiple Employees

    To send a text message offering the shift to multiple employees, tap to enable the Mass Actions selector, tap to select the employees, and then tap Continue to confirm.