Add or Edit Your Addresses

Dayforce Mobile App Guide - Android

Add or Edit Your Addresses

In My Profile, you can add, edit, and delete your addresses.

To add or edit your addresses in My Profile:

  1. Tap Edit and then tap Edit Addresses.
  2. Tap the existing address you want to edit, or tap the Add icon to add a new address.
  3. Edit the address or complete the following fields to add a new one:
    • Type: Primary Residence, or another address type that your organization has configured.
    • Country: The country where the address is located.
    • Address: The address detail fields including city and province or state.
    • Effective Date: The effective start date for the address. This can only be specified for non-primary addresses.
    • Add Active Until: The end date for the address. This can only be specified for non-primary addresses.
    • Use as Payroll Mailing Address: Indicates if the address will be used as your payroll mailing address. You can only select one address as your payroll mailing address for an active address period.
    • Display on Tax Statement: Indicates that the address will be displayed on your tax statements. You can only select one address as your tax statement address for an active address period.
  4. Tap Save.

Delete an Address

To delete an address in My Profile:

  1. Tap Edit and then tap Edit Addresses.
  2. Tap the address you want to delete.
  3. .Tap the Delete icon.

Note: You can only delete non-primary addresses.