Run Ad Hoc Reports

Dayforce Data and Analytics Guide

Run Ad Hoc Reports

You can run ad hoc reports in various places from Data & Analytics > Reporting & Analytics:

  • In the Reporting & Analytics tab in Data & Analytics > Reporting & Analytics.
  • Note: In the list view, you can click the report name followed by Run Report to run the report. Alternatively, in the tile view, you can run a report by clicking Run.
  • In the Reports tab of the Ad Hoc Reports tab in Data & Analytics > Reporting & Analytics.

If the report you are running has a pivot table configured, you can choose to run the pivot instead of the base report.

To run an ad hoc report:

  1. Go to Data & Analytics > Reporting & Analytics.
  2. Select the report that you want to run. How you do this depends on where in the application you are running the report:
    • In the Reporting & Analytics tab in Data & Analytics > Reporting & Analytics, select a report displayed in the Favorites and Recently Run section.
    • In the Reports tab of the Ad Hoc Reports tab in Data & Analytics > Reporting & Analytics, select a report in the report library list.
  3. Run the report by completing one of the following actions:
    • Click Run in the tile that contains the report that you want to run. The application displays the run report dialog box.
    • Click Run in the toolstrip. The application displays the run report dialog box.
    • Note: You must complete steps 3 to 5 to run the selected report
  4. Enter values for the filters and parameters of the report. Mandatory items are marked with a red asterisk.
  5. Configure the following settings in the Output Options section:
    • Report Header Display Name: (Optional) Enter an alternate title that will be displayed in the report header instead of the report name.
    • Include filter criteria: Select the checkbox and the filter values that you specify when you run the report are displayed in the report header.
    • Only Include Unique Records: Select the checkbox and the application includes only distinct records in the report output.
    • Note: The application clears this option if you have it enabled and then add totals on the report. This option cannot be used together with totals because all records (not just unique ones) must be included to generate an accurate total. Consider an example with a SUM function where there are three records that all have the value of 40. With Only include unique records selected, only one of these records would be included in the sum and the total would be 40. With the checkbox cleared, the total is correct at 120.
    • Max Number of Records: Enter a number in this field to limit the maximum number of rows that are included in the report. You can include a maximum of 900,000 rows in a report.
    • Report Type: Select Base report to run the base report. If the report has a pivot table configured, you can select Pivot table generate the pivot table.
    • Output Format: Select the file format that you require for the report output.
  6. Configure the following settings in the Page & Format Options section:
    • Excel Format (these settings are enabled if you select an Excel format option in the Output Format drop-down list):
      • Suppress formatting in Excel output: Select this checkbox and the application removes all formatting from the report output, including headers, grouping information, and totals.
      • Suppress formatting - Include Totals in Output: Select this checkbox and the application removes all formatting in the output, but it still displays totals.
    • PDF Format (these settings are enabled if you select PDF for the output format):
      • Orientation: Specify whether the PDF output uses landscape or portrait orientation. The application fits PDF report output to one horizontal page, so landscape can be the better option for reports with a large number of columns.
      • Paper Size: Select a paper size in the drop-down list.
      • Repeat column headers on each page: Select this checkbox and the application includes the column headers on each page of the PDF output. By default, this checkbox is cleared, and the headers appear just once at the top of the report.
  7. Click Run Report: The application generates the report according to the options you selected and delivers it to your Message Center inbox.