RESTful Edit Dataset

Dayforce Data and Analytics Guide

RESTful Edit Dataset

This function allows you to edit an existing dataset while still being able to refresh the dataset. You can only access datasets that you created.


The Edit Dataset endpoint enables you to edit the filters and parameters of a dataset based on initial report data. This allows you to update an existing dataset after refreshing it. Required parameters for the call include datasetID, clientNamespace, and BearerToken, though the authorization provided by the BearerToken can also be provided through basic user authentication.

The URL for Edit Dataset uses the following base URL:{datasetId}


Note: An asterisk (*) next to a parameter name denotes a required parameter.

datasetId* (string)

  • Uniquely identifies a dataset.

clientNamespace (string)

  • Uniquely identifies the client's Dayforce instance. This is needed to log in.

BearerToken (string)

  • Authorization Token is mandatory for this API. Testing this API using via Dayforce Developer's Network (DDN) is not supported. This authorization may also be provided with basic user authentication.

Note: If no filter is passed in the body, the endpoint will parse the dataset filters and parameters. If you want to pass the original report filters, add the following command:

    "Filters": [


The response is in JSON format as illustrated in the example below:

  "Data": {
    "DatasetId": "aeab59f3-33f1-4f94-915b-9dc76181ab58",
    "Status": "Requested"
    "ReportID": 2171