
Dayforce Data and Analytics Guide


Data & Analytics uses measures to display data from your organization's Dayforce instance in interactive reports. You can use the provided system measures in the Ad Hoc Reports tab in Data & Analytics > Reporting & Analytics to visualize your organization's performance values, metrics, or KPIs data.

Note: Currently, there are 28 organization measures available in Dayforce. For more information about each measure and how they are individually calculated, see the Measures tab in the Reporting Reference Guide.

To use Measures in Dayforce, the Application Container > Analyze Reports In PowerBI > Organization Measures feature must be enabled for your role in the Features tab of System Admin > Roles.

The following entities are available for the Measures category:

Important: The entities listed below cannot be related or joined together.

Query Entities Description
Measures Annually The data in reports that use the measures category is updated annually on January 1st by the Update Measures Table site level background job.
Measures Monthly The data in reports that use the measures category is updated on the 1st of every month by the Update Measures Table site level background job.
Measures Quarterly The data in reports that use the measures category is updated on the 1st day of each quarter by the update measures Table site level background job.

Contact your Dayforce Support Representative If your organization requires the Update Measures Table site level background job to run on a date that is outside of these predefined intervals.