Edit & Copy Reports

Dayforce Data and Analytics Guide

Edit & Copy Reports

In the Ad Hoc Reports tab in Data & Analytics > Reporting & Analytics, you can enable automatic previews to view sample data that is updated each time you make a change. You can also add columns and filters, specify group by and sort by on fields, add totals, and specify default layout settings.

To edit or copy a report:

  1. Go to Data & Analytics > Reporting & Analytics.
  2. Click the menu icon in the tile view.
  3. Click Edit or Copy.
  4. Edit the report as needed.

Note: For more information, see the Ad Hoc Reporting Guide.

The report designer allows you to update the preview as you make changes. Click the Preview button at any time to view a refreshed sample of records. After you make changes to the report, click Preview again to refresh the view. You can also click the arrow beside the Preview button to configure the following options:

  • Enable Auto-Preview: Select this option and the application updates the sample display every time you make a change. When auto-preview is not enabled, you must click Preview to update the sample data.
  • Set Filter Values for Preview: Select this option to adjust the way the data is filtered in the preview.

At any time while editing your report, you can click the Refresh button to revert your changes. When you click Refresh, the application reverts the report back to the last time you saved it. This includes removing filters, groupings, and totals that you added since the last save.

There is an online tips page that outlines some of the best practices for report writing. You can open the Tips for Report Writing screen by clicking Tips.

When you click Tips, the Tips for Report Writing screen opens in a new browser tab. It includes information about the following:

  • Eliminating duplicate records in reports.
  • Using parameters correctly.
  • Checking join types if your report doesn't retrieve the expected number of records.
  • Understanding the data security that is applied when the application generates a report.