Create New Reports Using Measures

Dayforce Data and Analytics Guide

Create New Reports Using Measures

In the Ad Hoc Reports tab in Data & Analytics > Reporting & Analytics, you can create a report that uses a Ceridian generated list of performance values, metrics, or KPIs that is referred to as Measures.

To create a new report using measures:

  1. Go to the Ad Hoc Reports tab in Data & Analytics > Reporting & Analytics.
  2. Click Add and then Add Report.
  3. In the Add Primary Entity dialog box, click the Categories drop-down and select Measures.
  4. Note: The Measures category is not displayed on the left side of the screen in the Ad Hoc Reports tab in Data & Analytics > Reporting & Analytics.
  5. Click Apply.
  6. Add one or more fields as columns to your report by clicking the field name and dragging it to the right side of the screen. You must add at least one field to the report before you can save it.
  7. Note: You cannot relate or join the Measures Annually, Measures Monthly, or Measures Quarterly entities together.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Click Save.

You can view a visual representation of the data displayed in your report by clicking Run in the report designer and then Visualize. See Visualize Reports.