Copy Visualizations

Dayforce Data and Analytics Guide

Copy Visualizations

You can copy a visualization associated with a report from the Ad Hoc Reports tab in Data & Analytics > Reporting & Analytics. After you copy the visualizations, you can edit them to match your organization’s specific needs.

To create a copy of a report with an associated visualization:

Note: When there is a visualization associated with a report, the Include Visualization checkbox is visible in the Save As dialog box. By default, the Include Visualization checkbox is selected. When a report doesn’t have an associated visualization, the Include Visualization checkbox is not displayed in the Save As dialog box.

  1. Go to Data & Analytics > Reporting & Analytics.
  2. Click the Ad Hoc Reports tab.
  3. Click the report that contains the visualization you want to copy and then click Copy in the toolstrip.
  4. Click Save As in the toolstrip.
  5. In the Save As dialog box, enter a new name for the report in the Report Name field or you can use the default report name that was created.
  6. (Optional) Clear the Include Visualization checkbox if you do not want to copy the report with its associated visualization.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click Refresh to display the report you copied in the list of reports.