In Payroll Imports > Quick Entries, you can view imported quick entry records and perform many actions, including adding, editing, approving, and rejecting your quick entries.
Before You Begin: Ensure that you are familiar with the access authorization requirements for viewing and using the Payroll Import feature. Information is available in "The Payroll Import Feature" in the Dayforce Implementation Guide.
See the following sections:
- Add Quick Entries
- Edit Quick Entries
- Delete Quick Entries
- Import Quick Entries
- Approve or Reject Valid Quick Entries
- Add Terminated Employees to Pay Runs
- Export Quick Entries
- View Quick Entry Problems
- Publish Quick Entries
In addition, you can restrict access to quick-entry imports that include tax codes if you have people in your organization who don’t have administrative payroll privileges. You can allow or block access to tax codes in Payroll Import > Quick Entries by role by going to System Admin > Roles in the Features tab and scrolling to and expanding the Payroll Import feature. You can select or clear the Allow Tax Codes checkbox. If you clear this checkbox for a role, that role won’t see tax codes in the Code column if they import a quick-entry file or if they click the column to view options. Dayforce will also show a validation message that the role doesn’t have access to import a file that contains tax codes.
In Payroll Import > Quick Entries, you can manually add quick entries to your list of imported records in the Payroll Import feature.
To add a manual quick entry:
- Go to Payroll Import > Quick Entries and click Add.
- In the Employee Name field, select the employee you’re creating the manual quick entry for. Alternatively, in the Employee No. field, select the employee number associated with the employee you’re creating the quick entry for.
- When you select an employee name or an employee number, Dayforce automatically populates the other field with the name or number associated with your selection. Further, Dayforce populates the Pay Run field with the pay run associated with the employee.
- In the Code field, select an earning, deduction, tax, or garnishment code.
- Depending on your selection, Dayforce automatically populates the Hrs. or Rate fields.
- In the Business Date field, enter or select the date for the quick entry.
- Click Save.
Dayforce might automatically populate additional fields in the employee’s quick entry record, depending on your configuration. For example, if the employee records their time against a docket, Dayforce adds this information in the Docket column.
Quick entry records added manually in the Quick Entries tab are displayed in the Import Set column of the Overview screen as Manual Entry - yyyy-mm-dd
You can edit some of the fields for quick entry records (such as the Employee Name field, Employee No. field, and the Pay Run field). Several other fields in the quick entry record are read-only.
To edit a quick entry record, select the checkbox to select the record in the list, and then edit any fields as necessary. When you’ve finished making your changes, click Save.
If you edit any approved or rejected records, Dayforce automatically updates the status of the edited record to Pending.
You can delete pending, rejected, and expired quick entries that were imported or created manually in Dayforce. Select one or more quick entry records using the checkboxes and click Delete. Dayforce crosses out the quick entry record in the list, indicating that it is no longer selectable.
To complete the deletion, click Save.
See Import Payroll Elections or Quick Entries CSV Files.
Approve or Reject Valid Quick Entries
You can approve or reject any pending quick entries by selecting them in the list and clicking either Approve or Reject in the toolstrip.
Important: Users who import or create entries cannot approve or reject entries that they imported or created.
Before you can approve or reject quick entries, you must ensure that your quick entry records have been validated by Dayforce. Valid quick entry records are marked with the valid icon () in the first column of the row, while invalid quick entry records are marked with the invalid icon ().
You can approve your records as follows:
- To approve specific pending or rejected quick entries, select the records in the list and click Approve > Approve Selected.
- To approve all filtered records, click Approve > Approve All Filtered.
Dayforce marks the records with the Approved status and icon ().
You can reject your records as follows:
- To reject specific quick entries, select the records in the list and click Reject > Reject Selected.
- To reject all filtered records, click Reject > Reject All Filtered.
Dayforce marks the records with the Rejected status and icon ().
Add Terminated Employees to Pay Runs
If necessary, you can add terminated employees whose last pay date is prior to the current pay period to a pay run.
To add terminated employees to a pay run:
- Go to Payroll Import > Quick Entries and click Terminated in the toolstrip.
- In the Select an Employee dialog box, do one of the following:
- Select an employee in the Employee Name drop-down list.
- Select an employee number in the Employee No. drop-down list.
- When you select an employee name or an employee number, Dayforce automatically populates the other field with the name or number associated with your selection. Further, Dayforce populates the Pay Run field with the pay run associated with the employee.
- Click Add. Dayforce adds the record to the list.
- (Optional) Repeat steps 3 and 4.
- Click Save.
To export the list of displayed quick entry records, click Export. Dayforce generates a .csv
file of your quick entry records.
You can view validation issues by clicking Problems in the toolstrip. The Problems panel opens, and displays a description of the issue causing each error.
You can filter the problems by selecting one of the following severity levels on the left side of the panel:
- Error ()
- Warning ()
- Informational ()
You can also export a CSV file of the errors listed in the Problems panel by clicking the drop-down arrow and clicking Export.
Before You Begin: You must approve quick entry records before they can be published.
Important: Dayforce publishes all of your approved quick entry records, regardless of whether they are selected in the list when you click Publish. Approved and published quick entry records can’t be edited or deleted.
After quick entries have been approved, they can be published, at which point the updates made in quick entries are processed and displayed in other areas of Dayforce. You can select some of the quick entries to publish, or you can filter the list as needed.
To publish approved quick entries:
- Go to Payroll Import > Quick Entries.
- Filter the list of quick entries and, if desired, select the quick entries to publish.
- Click Publish and select an option:
- Publish Selected
- Publish All Filtered
- In the confirmation dialog box, click OK to continue or click Cancel to make other changes.
Dayforce grays out records that were successfully published and marks them with a blue checkmark () in the Published column.
If some, or none, of the records were successfully published, Dayforce displays a message indicating the number of records that were successfully published.